Will you take the Journey?

Journey with a first time novelist as she logs all of her fears, frustrations, and goals into one blog. Take the time to give her your feed back... and help her create something truly worth reading.

Friday, December 2, 2011

New Directions

Sometimes, I sit and think... why am I always saying I?

Maybe it's the selfish thoughts of a normal person... or maybe the though "I" is all I know.
Is it the way of the writer?  Do they all say I?  Maybe...  maybe it's human nature... either way I will probably never stop saying saying "I".

on a different note:  Sometimes the question arises... what would happen Raven if her story was written differently?  Would it cause a butterfly affect and create different scenarios every time I changed the story?  I can't for sure say that the answer would be yes... but I can say that I hope somethings surface for her that I am not thinking about just yet.  

I wonder do the writers I love to read ever feel this way? Maybe if they write different scenarios the characters would take on different lives...

Maybe the reason I am thinking about this now... is because I know some things are going to have to change with Raven and that will change the could of everything in the story... I am not sure if it's for the better or not yet... I know that it will be a big change.

Listening to: Pandora...
Channel: Boyce Avenue
Reason: I need to be calm today.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


You know, when posting about things in your life on blogs and facebook and whatnot... don't you ever wonder what makes you... you?
I do all the time... i think well i am this way because of that... or i am flustered because this isn't going my way.

What if we all took the time to think?  Is it really just about me?  Do the people i surround myself with matter?  What about my family?  I can say that i do... but, i am not going to lie and say that.  In fact, in TRUTH... i am selfish.  My world is about me, me, me, me... but what about THEM?

If it weren't for my older sister Janice... i would be wallowing in self pity, complaining EVERYDAY about my hardships... but she is the reason in my life.  She is just plain rational.  The woman never stops pointing out the obvious, without any care that you may freak out.  I love that about her.  I need that.  Think about the one person in your life that can't help but be rational?  Then think... what have i done to help them?  With that,k i haven't done ANYTHING lately to help her... in fact, all she has done is help me.  Time to change that... starting today. 

If i didn't have my baby sister Sophie... i would forget that there is laughter and beauty in this world.  Sometimes i think; does this girl even KNOW how amazing she is?  If not, why?  I mean can't she see that her beauty is all throughout her?  Thank the Lord he created this one.  She is an amazing mom... an amazing sister... and funny to boot! I give her all the A's in the world! and Freaking gold stars!

My Brother Ronny... well he's just hands down the coolest cat i know... battling diversity with every step... and does it with a smile, a laugh, and a joke.

Jeremy... how do i say that he completes me without being 1) corny and 2) lame?  By saying that he is my world... simple as that.  He is my balance and my whole.  Without the world of him i would be walking alone... sad.

With out these three siblings i would be nothing...
With out the love a great man i would be soulless..
With out the support of my friends and family here in Oregon, i would be lost.

When was the last time any of you thought of them? Your loved ones that support you?

