Will you take the Journey?

Journey with a first time novelist as she logs all of her fears, frustrations, and goals into one blog. Take the time to give her your feed back... and help her create something truly worth reading.

Friday, October 21, 2011

New Changes

I am heading down a road of new changes!
I have said this before... but, until just a few minutes ago... I was trying to make the old life fit the new one.
It just can't...

Changes in writing style:
This book has to be written... the characters are bombarding my head...
They need to get out and on paper! I am dreaming about them and they are so real!

First major change to the book is; it needs to be first person.  I am trying to create different views on the same story and it's not working.  So, it's going to be just from Raven's view.  It's mainly about her so... she must be the who we all see the world from.

Second; creating a music playlist.  For so long my life has been defined by music, so why can't my writing and characters be centered around the same?  Music is my world, and writing is my muse. 

Third: new and final character addition.

Characters are now:
Raven, Jordan, Mally, Sadie, Airianna, Landon, King Callus, and Katarine

With these writing changes... maybe I'll get something done!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's official!

I have a new character!!! His name is James!
He needs an epic back story! Short story on James to come!
No more than one or two pages i am thinking!

Side note: there may not be posts for a bit (not that i post regularly or anything)... due to moving! eep!!! life changes!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Today I am feeling quite energetic!
Maybe it's because I have had WAY too much coffee... or maybe it's because for the first time in awhile my plans are working!

See, I am a planner... I have every aspect of my life planned out.  But, lately these plans have been changing and I am finding more and more that I can't control them.  However, I just need to adapt.  So... I have adapted.  I have changed plans... changed lifestyles without compromising my essence and maintained what is the core of me.  It's not without hard work and a little houmer to get me through..  OCD blows big chunky bawls! I refuse to let it define me!

With that! Goooooo me... I plan on writing some today!

