Will you take the Journey?

Journey with a first time novelist as she logs all of her fears, frustrations, and goals into one blog. Take the time to give her your feed back... and help her create something truly worth reading.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

At times

At times I feel so lost. These words are not coming! And I don't know why. Maybe it's cause I am stuck. Who knows. Maybe I'll start posting the actually story so you all can give me advice.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Stolen hard drive... stolen life's work... only proof i have that my novel is mine... is that my sister sent me the very first copy i sent to her in 2009.  GRRRRR

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


As I was sitting down to write this blog I realized... 50% of you won't notice i wrote anything... 25% of you won't care that I wrote anything and skim past the words all together.... 34% of you will notice but, not even reply... and that 1% who does read my blog is a friend.  It's funny how some people write a blog to connect. I write a blog (when i have time) to stay sane.  Sane for me, is that the thoughts of destruction are bearable, the self defamation is in hiding, and the pleasantries are in abundance.  I started writing my novel as an outlet.  A reason for all my dirty little secrets... the kind of secrets that would break the prim and proper world.  I started writing because I LOVED it... now i don't even really know what the story is about.  Maybe, it's because it wasn't a good story to begin with... or maybe, it's because i don't think i will ever get it done... or maybe, it's because my life is always upside down that i can't seem to find right side up.  Maybe, it's because I am back on the self destructive path i have always been on.

Either way... it's come to my realization that if i don't write... i just might fade away.

